What makes up your Xpert MSP

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For the last two decades, businesses have become increasingly dependent on technology. As such, corporate America’s need for its technology to run consistently, effectively and efficiently has also increased. So much so that business IT has evolved from needing a single in-house IT technician – to having an entire on-premise IT department – to now outsourcing IT services to a third-party managed services provider (MSP).

These days, 2/3rds of small businesses say they would find it a major challenge to survive without just their wireless technology.

Unfortunately, many businesses strive to prosper and grow, and many MSPs perform at average service levels – providing adequate service, fulfilling work orders as they come in, and having no interest in the future of their clients.

Thankfully, there are several MSPs who care very much about their clients’ futures and treat every encounter with them as an opportunity to do something great. This is what sets Xpert Technologies apart as a top-tier MSP.

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These days, 2/3rds of small businesses say they would find it a major challenge to survive without just their wireless technology.


Knowing our clients is essential

No two clients are alike.

Accordingly, an MSP’s approach to one company’s IT will never be 100% appropriate for another. Every business – regardless of industry – works differently. They require different tactics, different measures and different solutions for each and every aspect of their business.

87% of surveyed IT decision makers now believe that custom solutions and software are the main forces in driving innovation in business technology.

Before your MSP can begin managing your technology to ensure superior performance and maintenance, it’s imperative they first learn exactly how you work, how you want to work, and – moving forward – what will help you to be more productive as a business.

If your current MSP does not take the time to evaluate – and periodically re-evaluate – the way you do business in order to determine if improvements can be made or costs reduced, it’s likely time for you to re-evaluate your MSP.

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87% of surveyed IT decision makers now believe that custom solutions and software are the main forces in driving innovation in business technology.


We work with clients to create and achieve goals

How realistic are the goals you’ve created for your company? Sadly, recent findings report that around 66% of senior managers can’t even name their firms’ top priorities.

Of those who do, it’s true that some do have very lofty goals set for their company to achieve in a very short period of time. But more often than not, management goals are actually quite a bit more conservative than they need be.


“Goals that are not written down are just wishes. ”– Anonymous


Why? It’s simple – people don’t often realize how heavily the right technology – utilized in the right ways – can affect the performance of their overall business.

When Xpert Technologies becomes your MSP partner, and we sit down with you to examine your processes and your needs, as well as review your goals. We provide our opinions on how achievable they are, and under what timeline – and from there, we’ll demonstrate what is possible with the right technologies for your business.

When you can partner with someone who can not only get you to think bigger – but will also show you how to do it and help you execute it – that’s a great partnership.

Above all – we offer value

Return on Investment.

That’s what we all want. Any time we spend one dollar on a business expense, the hope is that we will receive two dollars in return.

Money paid to your MSP should never be seen as a “necessary expense.” Of course, it is a necessary expense, but the value it creates for you should consistently outweigh its monthly cost.

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Around 66% of senior managers can’t even name their firms’ top priorities.


When Xpert Technologies becomes your MSP, the main service we intend to provide for you is value. We deliver services through experience, expertise and from a business owner’s perspective to provide the IT support you need so you can focus on growing your business.

We want to take away the things which hurt your productivity and add the solutions that will enhance it. Every effort we make is directed toward making you faster – smarter – better.

If that isn’t a return on investment, what is?

Xpert team member

But there’s more

In addition to managing your technology, Xpert can also ensure your data is always safe, migrate your company to the cloud, and help you to better communicate – both internally and externally.

We’re excited about where this new partnership can take you. You need only reach out to us for it to begin.