3 IT Solutions To Ward Off Hackers

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While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to prevent hackers from accessing sensitive data, there are many methods you can employ to keep your business safe. Cyber security is a fast moving sector, particularly regarding encryption software. Staying one step ahead of the hackers is an ongoing arms race. This makes it essential that you are aware of the latest methods that are being used to combat the problem.

Communication Encryption

With the exception of emails, many businesses do not pay enough attention to security when it comes to communications. Text messages, for example, often contain sensitive information that hackers can use if the mobile phone you use for business is not encrypted at the same level as other data.

Thankfully, security for instant messaging across phone networks can be just as powerful as any other encryption security, with cutting edge services that are effective for text messaging and email.

App Encryption

As with text messaging, it is common for businesses to not pay less attention to apps and social networks than they do their in house or cloud-based data. It is also possible, however, that you do not want Google or other companies storing sensitive data without your own encryption.

There are many tools available that can add that extra level of security to information shared over such platforms. To make the most of this possibility, you need to make sure that you have access to the most suitable software. Some software offers a high level of security, but requires that everyone on your network use the same software. If not, information will appear encrypted to them, just as it would to the outside world.

Most of the newer software allows you to encrypt specific information only, effectively using precision and customizable IT solutions rather than a one-size-fits-all level of security.


It may seem old-fashioned when compared to the highly sophisticated levels of security that have been previously mentioned. Most encryption, however, begins with an effective password, and username.

Most of us are aware that using ‘Password’ as your password is not a good idea. There are some innovative ways in which you can make passwords a powerful front line tool in your fight against cyber crime.

A little training in this area can do wonders to maintain a high level of security. They say that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Improve the strength of every link. Ensure that everyone accessing your network understands what represents good practice regarding passwords.

It is also vital that passwords are not written down anywhere. Not on separate devices and not in diaries. There is little point in investing in encryption software if hackers can access your password.

Encryptions on password storage, therefore, is also vital. This extra level of security means that security breaches of password data is no longer a worry. For this, it is advisable to use password safes with the latest encryption software.

Xpert Develops IT Solutions to Keep Hackers Out

As a managed IT services provider, we can ensure that your system is as safe and secure as possible. We defend against any threats to your network, both internal and external. We are skilled in communication, and are happy to train staff. Everyone should work together to keep the business running smoothly and securely. Let’s talk about the IT solutions we can devise for your company.